Saturday, December 1, 2007


Well the Tree is up and the Stockings are even hung. Sid played Santa at the Parade today and will be Sharkee Santa for the City Christmas party tonight. But I have not start shopping. Nor do I want to. I want the magic to come back. I want to see the childrensd eyes light up for Santa and the christmas lights and Music, instead of X-BOX,, I want it to be like it was, and I know everyone says we all do. But it is just sad.
I guess I seen my future today when Sid and I went out to Lunch. There was this sweet little old couple so old,, I mean so old. she could not carry the cup and he could not carry the tray, The people behind the counter did not move to help them, there was no one else in line besides us. We grab the tray and sat them down, got thier drinks, and prayed that we would eat faster than them and get off the road. They where so happy for our help. she almosted started crying. I got them settled and could not help staring at them thinking it will not be long. Why could the young people behind counter see what I saw. Help them that is christmas, That is all year, But at least for them christmas. God bless american. I hear parents are going to be arrested soon for spamking their children in their own home... I am scared for my grandchildren.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Deb,You brought a tear to my eye. Why can't everybody lend a hand when we see someone who needs a little help. What you did took nothing away from your day and in fact that one small gesture made your day better. The biggest reward is maybe you gave that little old couple the courage to venture out at least one more time.
Hmmmm....what color car were they driving?